Unemployed Moveset
 Door Open
The Villager puts down a door and then opens it to deal 7 damage, launching the opponent softly. They can keep opening and closing it to deal additional damage as long as they don't move for no start up for follow up moves, but once they move the door disappears and the start-up is required again.
 Tend Fields
The Villager tills the ground below them. This slows opponents that walk across it and the Villager can create up to 8 tilled squares as traps of sorts. Changing professions above it allows the Villager to become a Farmer. The Villager is uneffected by tilled ground. They can deal 5 damage with a hoe when tilling if a opponent is too close.
 Iron Golem Defend
The Villager closes their eyes and a shine sprite appears above their head- if they are attacked, an Iron Golem will spring out and wave their arms, dealing 2x the damage of the original attack. This counter doesn't work well against ranged attacks but is a better counter overall than Profession Change.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The unemployed Villager has no special properties with this move and cannot willingly turn back into Unemployed unless they lose a stock.
Armorer Moveset
 Iron Charge
The Armorer dons themselves entirely in iron armor and charges forward to deal 8 damage. While charging, the Armorer will gain superarmor and only takes a third of the original damage. Has a long end animation, however.
 Emerald Trade
The Armorer throws an Emerald- if caught by an opponent, they will attack by dropping a Lava Bucket right above their heads, dealing 13 damage and setting the opponent on fire! This contributes to their trading badges, see above for how that system works. It only has 4 uses before the Villager must restock, which will halt the villager for five whole seconds.
 Feather Falling
The Armorer's feet become enchanted with Feather Falling, allowing them to glide when in the air and land softly. All damage in the air is reduced by half while this is active. This lasts 7 seconds before wearing off and has a 3 second cooldown before they're able to use it again.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The Armorer drops a Blast Furnace when they change into this profession, dealing 10 damage to nearby foes.
Butcher Moveset
 Butcher Blade
The Butcher attacks with a swipe of a stone sword, dealing 5 damage or 8 damage if they wait until the weapon cooldown fully recharges after 60 frames (1 second). It deals low knockback.
 Emerald Trade
The Butcher throws an Emerald- if caught by an opponent, they will attack by dropping a Berry Bush right under them, which deals 5 damage on contact and stays active unless destroyed through attacks. This contributes to their trading badges, see above for how that system works. It only has 5 uses before the Villager must restock, which will halt the villager for five whole seconds.
 Flint and Steel
The Butcher sets the ground near them on fire, dealing 7 damage on contact and causing the burn effect. Has a total of 3 charges before a cooldown is activated, requiring 5 seconds before any further use.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The Butcher drops a Smoker when they change into this profession, dealing 5 damage to nearby foes and burning them.
Cleric Moveset
 Splash Potion
The Cleric can uses three different types of Splash Potion depending on tilt input:
- Poison - Tilt upwards to throw a poison Splash Potion that deals the poison effect.
- Harming - Don't tilt to throw a harming Splash Potion that deals 8 damage.
- Decay - Tilt downwards to throw a decay Splash Potion that deals the decay effect.
 Emerald Trade
The Cleric throws an Emerald- if caught by an opponent, they will attack by placing a Netherwart with Soulsand right under them, which slows the opponent way down when caught. This contributes to their trading badges, see above for how that system works. It only has 3 uses before the Villager must restock, which will halt the villager for five whole seconds.
 Ender Pearl
The Cleric throws a Ender Pearl up- which can be influenced by the player through tilts to change the distance horizontally and vertically- and then teleports to where the Ender Pearl lands. The Cleric will take 5 damage when the teleport occurs.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The Cleric drops a Brewing Stand when they change into this profession, which heals them for 2 damage each 45 frames that they are near it. It can be destroyed by attacks.
Farmer Moveset
The Farmer is able to plant foods and then harvest them when they are ready. They can plant three kinds of food:
- Carrots - These sprout and are ready to harvest in five seconds, and restore 5 health.
- Potatoes - These sprout and are ready to harvest in ten seconds, and restore 10 health.
- Wheat - These sprout and are ready to harvest in fifteen seconds. The farmer places down a cake which restores 3 health each slice, with a total of 9 slices.
 Emerald Trade
The Farmer throws an Emerald- if caught by an opponent, they will place a pumpkin over the opponent's head which will create a black area of effect that makes attacks rarely hit due to their limited eyesight. This lasts two and a half seconds. This contributes to their trading badges, see above for how that system works. It only has 3 uses before the Villager must restock, which will halt the villager for five whole seconds.
 Till Ground
Similar to the Tend Fields move that the Unemployed Villager has, but this is faster and has no start up or end lag. However, it deals no damage. It allows the Farmer to plant food on tilled ground with a hoe. Doing this move over tilled ground allows the Farmer to use a limited supply of three Bonemeal to boost the plants to full harvest. The three bonemeal, when fully used, has a cool-down of nine seconds before it can be used again.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The Farmer drops a Composter when they change into this profession, which collects projectiles until it's full, in which then the Farmer can collect for an extra bonemeal charge for Till Ground. The Composter can be destroyed through melee attacks.
Fisher Moveset
 Hook and Sinker
The Fisher throws a fishing line forwards and can catch an opponent and bring them close for them to attack with standard attacks. This is good for grappling opponents and can be used to tether recovery. However, it deals 1 damage, making it ineffective as a attack.
 Emerald Trade
The Fisher throws an Emerald- if caught by an opponent, they will dump a bucket containing a pufferfish over the opponent's head which will deal 3 damage and the poison effect. This contributes to their trading badges, see above for how that system works. It only has 4 uses before the Villager must restock, which will halt the villager for five whole seconds.
 Bucket of Water
The Fisher dumps a bucket of water, which flows in both directions across the ground for 3 seconds before disappearing. It can make opponents wet and impede their movement as they fight against the current. Deals no damage.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The Fisher drops a Barrel when they change into this profession, which can be used to trap a opponent briefly inside the barrel, where they cannot move and the Fisher can freely attack them for 45-70 frames.
Fletcher Moveset
The Fletcher fires an arrow to deal 6 ranged damage. Holding down the button allows them to aim automatically at the nearest opponent- releasing them allows them to fire it. The Fletcher is able to move albeit at a reduced speed when aiming.
 Emerald Trade
The Fletcher throws an Emerald- if caught by an opponent, they will fire an arrow with the Turtle Master effect on it, which will reduce their speed greatly but increase their defense greatly. This lasts for 4 seconds. This contributes to their trading badges, see above for how that system works. It only has 5 uses before the Villager must restock, which will halt the villager for five whole seconds.
The Fletcher pulls out a crossbow and begins to aim with it as the player holds down the button. However, if the player moves, the Fletcher will not fire but hold the charge. Release the button or tap after holding a charge to deal 12 damage with the Crossbow, which fire three arrows for a long distance.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The Fletcher drops a Fletching Table, which boosts their arrow projectiles by 2x damage when they stand on it and fire projectiles with either the Bow or Crossbow. Can be destroyed by melee or projectile attacks.
Toolsmith Moveset
 Diamond Axe
The Toolsmith swings a diamond axe, dealing 8 damage and significant knockback but low launching. They can use it to cut through large projectiles if timed right, canceling them out. The axe also instantly destroys the opponent's profession blocks.
 Emerald Trade
The Toolsmith throws an Emerald- if caught by an opponent, they will drop a shovel on them, burying them into the ground and dealing 4 damage. This contributes to their trading badges, see above for how that system works. It only has 7 uses before the Villager must restock, which will halt the villager for five whole seconds.
 Iron Hoe
The Toolsmith tills the ground similar to the Farmer, but deals 5 damage to nearby foes and has no bonemeal to use to harvest plants that are still growing. Tilled ground slows down opponents and the Toolsmith can create up to ten tilled tiles of ground.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The Toolsmith drops a Smithing Table, which boosts their melee attacks by 2x when they are near it. Can be destroyed by melee or projectile attacks.
Weaponsmith Moveset
 Fire Aspect Sword
The Weaponsmith attacks with a sword, which deals 7 damage and the burn effect but requires a 30 frame cooldown before the Weaponsmith can attack again. Has a decent knockback and launch effect.
 Emerald Trade
The Weaponsmith throws an Emerald- if caught by an opponent, it will place a bell on them that all projectile attacks will become magnetized to. This lasts for 4 seconds. This contributes to their trading badges, see above for how that system works. It only has 3 uses before the Villager must restock, which will halt the villager for five whole seconds.
 Iron Axe
The Weaponsmith attacks with a low sweeping axe attack that causes the break effect and deals 7 damage. It can also be used to instantly destroy the opponent's profession blocks. Has a long end animation.
 Profession Change
This move is basically the same for all professions, but when attacked, the Villager will spring down a block. It can also be used whenever to change the Villager's profession when they meet a specific condition. Check above for specific conditions. The Weaponsith drops a Grindstone, which if attacked by any melee weapon will sharpen it and reset stale values as well as giving it 1.2x boost in damage. It can be destroyed by projectile attacks.
Iron Golem Level 1
The Villager, irregardless of Profession, will summon a Iron Golem to attack, who will swing his arms forward to deal 15 damage and heavy knockback and launch.
Town Meeting Level 2
The Villager, irregardless of Profession, will ring the bell to summon other Villagers to the center of the stage, which will deal 8 damage on contact to opponents as they run over. They will then launch some green fireworks in the air, which deal 7 damage to aerial opponents.
Hero of the Village Level 3
Boosts Emerald Trade when active, halving all requirements to gain Trading Badges for 30 seconds. While it lasts a long time, the rewards aren't great and only serve to boost your launching power for the rest of the match.
Unlock Method
Collect 1500 Aether Stones.