Death Star Trash Compactor Diorama 75339
LEGO OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION: Begin a creative mission to recreate a legendary Star Wars: A New Hope scene with this Death Star Trash Compactor Diorama (75339) set. It is packed with authentic details, including moving walls and a dianoga's head. Place Luke Skywalker and Han Solo (both dressed as Stormtroopers), Princess Leia and Chewbacca inside Garbage Compactor 3263827, and C-3PO and R2-D2 at the compactor's controls trying to switch it off. Attach the plaque with Han Solo's dry quip ("One thing's for sure. We're all gonna be a lot thinner.") to complete a nostalgic display piece.
Launch and Exit - April 26th 2022 - TBA
Original Price - 79.99 POUND / 89.99 USD / 89.99 EURO
Piece Count - 802 pieces
Minifigures - 6