Notes: I kind of have a hard time ranking this one! I think they could have sold this for 25 dollars along with some other classic sets of varying prices- and maybe the classic spaceship coming in August 2022 was a nod to this idea, but it feels a little scummy this time for a promo set, given there isn't really a range of classic LEGO sets otherwise. As an actual set... it's solid but aside from the fact it's a classic LEGO set reimagined without it's whip vine gimmick it doesn't really stand out too much. Do love the return of a classic tree piece! I think as a Classic reimagining it doesn't really feel like it's going hard enough, and the aspects do feel like a bit of cheapening (the lack of dual mold heads, the legs, the lack of vines from the original set). If it had gone in more of a modernization angle or a classic angle I feel like giving it four or five bricks would have been earned even with some of the scumminess, but as is I kind of feel like it's too compromised to feel strong about it.